Don't miss out! Check out our Instagram @aaivuw for updated information :)

Northwest Fall Retreat
Join us for a fun weekend away from campus to build healthy relationships, tap into hope, and grow in our spiritual lives. Together, we’ll explore the most famous story Jesus ever told and how we can embody justice in the way we treat every person we meet. Let’s become more compassionate communities learning to come in the good way of Jesus.
Sign Up Here: intervarsitynw.com/fall

Sign Up for FallCon!
Sign up for FallCon! Learn more about God, your community, and yourself!

Friday Bowl!
Come bowl with AAIV on Friday on October 1st! Join us on the bottom floor of the HUB at 6pm!
Glow-In-The-Dark Scavenger Hunt
Join AAIV for our Glow-In-The-Dark Scavenger Hunt! Here you will get to know your campus while drinking free hot chocolate and earning prizes!

First Large Group! - HUB Lyceum
Come out to our first large group! If you’re new, this is a great place to meet others and get connected with the fellowship. We’ll be introducing our theme for Fall Quarter 2019—Deeply Rooted. Hope to see you there!
Returner's Large Group - Smith 120
Welcome back! Come worship, fellowship, and learn about our theme for the upcoming quarter. If you’re new, please come to the large group on the following Thursday (10/3).

House Cup Event #1
Small Groups will work together to complete a variety of challenges in one minute or less. Small Groups will earn points based on their ability and quickness to complete the tasks. Come out and represent your Small Group at this crazy game night!
RSVP HERE: http://tinyurl.com/aaivhousecup1
AAIV House Cup is a year-long, Small Group competition. Small Groups earn points by competing in a variety of events that test one's abilities in games, athletics, and other random activities. Our goal is that people may bond with their small groups and meet new people through the spirit of friendly competition! The winning small group shall be crowned at the end of the year and will win a PIZZA PARTY, along with a trophy with the Small Group's name engraved on it.

Puget Sound Fall Conference 2017
Join us for a weekend away to deepen friendships and make new ones! We'll be gathering with other students from all around the Puget Sound in musical worship and learning more about what it means to be made well in the image of God.
Cost: $105, ($115 after, Oct 25th)
Scholarships available! Please talk to your staff!
REGISTER HERE: http://intervarsitynw.com/fall/pugetsound

First Large Group
Join us as we kick off the 2017-2018 school year at the HUB Lyceum! This is a great place to be if you are checking out AAIV for the first time! Our hope is that you feel welcome as we express the love of Jesus to each other, the campus, and beyond. We look forward to meeting you!

Returner's Large Group
Welcome back to another year in AAIV! Join us as we prepare to welcome in new students for the school year! Come celebrate, connect and pray for one another and the greater fellowship! We are so excited to see you again!

Summer Bible Study
We want to continue studying the bible together as a community throughout the summer! If you are interested in joining, please fill out this Google Form!

Morning Prayer
Come out for a time to connect with God in the mornings with fellow brothers and sisters. As a fellowship, we want to facilitate growth in our prayer lives and support one another through prayer. This will be a great time to discipline your faith and walk amongst God in prayer. Be refreshed and renewed Wednesday mornings!

Senior Send-Off
It's time to say goodbye to our lovely seniors! Join us for our annual Senior Send-off celebration at Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church.
Stay tuned for a Facebook event page.

Spring Day Baptisms
Each Memorial Day morning, UW InterVarsity hosts a day of Spring Day Baptisms at Green Lake. If you're interested in learning more about, or making the decision to be baptized with the UW IV community, please take a couple minutes to fill out this form by Sunday, May 15th at 11:59PM.
Pastor Joe Yoshihara will be hosting a Baptism 101 class on Monday, May 16th so be sure to keep your schedule free that evening if you plan to be baptized!

Saturday Morning Sports
Saturday Morning Sports is back! Join us in the IMA Upper Court E at 10AM for spikeball, basketball, and volleyball. Brother and sisters are encouraged to come play sports, workout, and just hang out!

Amateur Film Festival
Our Creative Team is hosting the very first (and potentially annual) Amateur Film Festival!
Many of our brothers and sisters will be headed to China for six weeks this summer to serve through Global Projects. In an effort to support our brothers and sisters carrying out God's call in their lives, we are raising funds through this event!
We will be charging $5 for admission, and more if you would like to donate! 100% of the admissions fee will be put into the Global Projects funds.
We are calling amateur film makers to share their stories, passions, hobbies, etc through submitting a film! Please read the guidelines and fill out this Google Form. We will end the time with Ammy Awards - earn your chance to win one!
RSVP and find out more about the event here.

Gourmet Thursday
It has been our tradition to hang out and have dinner before our large groups. It is a great place to meet new friends and have get a delicious and nutritious meal! Grab food and get to know your community in the back tables of Local Point!
If you're looking for more reasons to go to LocalPoint Thursdays, check out this link!

Prayer Appointments
If you would like to meet up with the Prayer Team in person for prayer, please fill out this form. Our Prayer Team would love to serve you through prayer!

Community Prayer
We'd love to make a greater effort to support each other and praise God for what he's been doing in our lives. If you have a prayer request or praise report, don't be shy! Fill out the form at the following link:
Submissions, whether left anonymous or not, will be shared at large group so that we can pray for you as a community.

Karaoke Night
Our SE Asian Small Group is hosting a fun Karaoke Night to celebrate what we have been learning together and to share the SE Asian culture through karaoke and dancing! Come for some snacks, testimonies, music, and lots of laughs!

Oregon Historical Society & Portland Day
As further application from Spring Conference, we want to take a day to explore a piece of our Asian American history and culture for a day in Portland. We'll be driving down to visit the Chinese Exclusion Act Exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society, eat dinner at a Chinese buffet, and treat ourselves to various delicious Portland treats :)
Please RSVP at this Facebook event by no later than Saturday, May 7th so that we can make reservations accordingly. We will organize transportation once we know who is all going!